Key Takeaways:
Prime Day 2023 delivered material results for Amazon in emerging markets such as Brazil and India, with download growth during the event outpacing more mature markets like the U.S. and Japan
During Prime Day in Jul’23, Amazon mobile app downloads surged 36% and 13%, respectively, in Brazil and India, compared to the prior week. Similarly, WAUs on Amazon in Brazil and India increased 13% and 4%, respectively, compared to the prior week. User activity post-Prime Day also remained robust, indicating a sustained impact beyond the event’s duration
Amazon's Prime Day not only prompted increased downloads and user activity during the event, but it also succeeded in sustaining user interest post-event: Per ST data, Amazon’s retention rate among users acquired during Prime Day was relatively consistent, whereas Walmart’s Walmart+ promotion failed to drive consistency in user retention with users dropping off heavily after Week 1
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