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Not survey data. Discover how with Audience Insights.

Audience Insights combines Mobile App and Digital Advertising data offering an unprecedented look into the consumer experience, all based on first-party behavioral data.

This report highlights our all-new Audience Insights data, providing a range of sample use cases, structured in three sections:

  1. Personas

  2. Ad Exposure

  3. App Engagement

Each section provides a unique perspective on the data. In all sections, key metrics will include audience profiles, top advertisers, top apps, top social ad channels, and more.

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Key insights from the report's three sections:

  • Personas:

    Dive into distinctive audience groups like Crypto Traders and Mental Health Enthusiasts. Uncover details like gender, age ranges, top apps, social channels for where these audiences see ad impressions, and more.

  • Ad Exposure:

    Examine the advertising strategies of brands such as ULTA, Marriott, and Hilton, and their impact on specific audience demographics. Understand where ULTA's audience sees more ad impressions, spanning cosmetics, food, and shopping.

  • App Engagement:

    Explore user habits on apps like Instacart and Monopoly GO! Discover the social channels where ads were seen in Q4 and identify the preferred gender and age range for the second most downloaded game in Q4.