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Review And Category Data Now Available On Android Profile Pages

Review Analysis and Category Ranking data is now available on our public App Profile Pages for Android apps on the Google Play Store.

Although you have been able to see review analysis information on our iOS App Profile Pages for awhile, we recently just added them to our Android Profile Pages. If you haven't seen what Review Analysis can do before, we will quickly go through how it works and how it can help you. Then we will show you the new category ranking information that we added to our public App Profile Pages.

Review Analysis

Review Analysis is just one of the ways that we help you find new keyword ideas. With thousands of apps being launched on the Google Play Store every month, the competition for great keywords continues to increase. This method is particularly useful because it is based on user feedback and words that users use in their reviews are more likely to be keywords that they would use to search for new apps.

When you click on the Review Analysis button on the left side of the screen, you will see a list of search terms that commonly appear in the reviews that are left for your app. The terms that are most specific to your app appear at the top of the list, which makes it easy to filter random words that will not help you.

On the right side of the screen, you can read the actual reviews by search term or star rating. The search function also allows you to look for other words that are not on the list. To get a more detailed description of all of the specific functions of the Review Analysis Module, read our previous blog post.


Category Rankings

We have also added category ranking information to the App Profile Pages for both iOS and Android. This displays information about where each app ranks across all categories on the Google Play Store.

For example, let's take a look at the Clash of Clans page. When you click on the Category Rankings tab on the left side of the screen, you will be able to see a lot of information about the category rankings of your app.

On the top of the screen, you will see a graph of how your app has ranked for the first category on the list. The graph shows a history of your category ranking and the date range can be adjusted by clicking on the drop down menu in the upper left corner. As you move your mouse over the graph, you can see exactly where your app ranked on a specific date.

Below the graph is a list of all the categories that your app currently ranks in. This saves you the time of manually checking all of the categories and gives you a way to measure the progress of your app's visibility. When you click on a category line, the graph above will change to show the data for your app in that category.



Take a few minutes to check out the data that you can discover about your app or your competitors with the new features that we have added to our Android App Profile Pages. You might just discover your next great keyword idea and see how your keyword optimization has been helping your rank in more categories.

Did you discover anything about your Android app in the Review Analysis or Category Rankings Modules that you found surprising?

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Hugh Kimura

Written by: Hugh Kimura, Head of Content

Date: February 2014