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Store Intelligence · Oliver Yeh · April 2020

Our Commitment to Privacy

A message from Sensor Tower co-founders Alex Malafeev and Oliver Yeh concerning our stance on user privacy.

Sensor Tower Privacy Policy

When Alex and I founded Sensor Tower, we were committed to a clear mission: Develop forward-thinking and data-driven tools that gave important, actionable insights to mobile businesses. Even as Sensor Tower has grown, that product and development focus hasn't faded away. We're fortunate to have been able to bring people onto our team who share in this innovation-minded vision, and, as a result, we've built a culture centered around creating amazing products that deliver on accuracy and value for our customers. Our team is deeply committed to helping others grow.

Protecting user privacy has always been a main tenant of Sensor Tower. Well before GDPR and other recent privacy legislation, the Sensor Tower team thoughtfully built our panel apps with a privacy-driven approach, and we continue to today. We've worked hard to take extra precaution and minimize potential privacy risks when developing our panel apps. As a result, we are GDPR compliant as verified by independent auditing.

However, we also made the determination that, for competitive reasons, we would not disclose the names or nature of our panel apps. We now realize this was the wrong decision. We owed it to our users and subscribers to be more forthcoming about our panel apps, and explain more clearly the steps we take to ensure user privacy. And for this we apologize.

While data and innovation are in the fabric of Sensor Tower's mission, so is respect. Simply put, we should have communicated more clearly to you about the relationship between our apps and Sensor Tower, and what that means in terms of data privacy. We'd like to take the time to explain how our platform works, and reiterate our full commitment to protection of your data privacy.

Our Methodology

When developing panel-based products to synthesize data, our industry has the choice to work with third-party data providers or develop solutions in-house. We originally made the decision to develop our panel tools from the ground up, building the apps ourselves so we're able to ensure that every possible measure is in place for the protection of user privacy. To this end, our panel apps are purpose-built to prevent Sensor Tower from seeing or touching any personal data. Additionally, Sensor Tower has never and will never share, sell, or provide any degree of access to personal data handled by our apps to third-parties.

Our employees only have access to high-level aggregate trend data, and we have thorough policies in place based on industry best practices to prevent the sharing or use of this data outside of our product. This anonymized information is high-level and can never be used to identify any of our users. To be clear, we never retain any information that can be used to personally identify our users, such as your name, email, IP address, granular location (e.g., geolocation or physical address), etc.

Examples of Anonymized Information may include the:

  • Browser user agent (Browser Version),

  • Device type,

  • Ad requested,

  • Ad content,

  • Country,

  • Name of requesting app,

  • User birth year, and

  • User gender.

Our Commitment to Privacy

We admittedly should have been clearer from the outset regarding how we view our collection of data, and for that we express our sincere apologies. Moving forward in this respect, we want to disclose the actions we've taken to double-down on our existing commitment to user data privacy.

  • We've completed sunsetting related panel apps that were active, but not in use by Sensor Tower.

  • We've updated our remaining apps to clearly identify them as belonging to Sensor Tower.

  • We are revamping our privacy policies to provide an even more friendly and accessible description of what data we have access to, what data we process, how it is used, and how our users can control it.

  • We are re-evaluating our data management procedures to determine if additional measures could potentially be taken to improve them beyond their current state, which is built on industry best practices.

In the event you have additional questions or concerns related to how we handle data, we've created a dedicated email address you can direct them to at privacy@sensortower.com. We'll be happy to answer them. We remain committed to delivering innovative tools while respecting the privacy of users around the world, and we'll continue to hold this element of our mission as a clear priority going forward.

Sensor Tower Co-Founder Signatures

Oliver Yeh and Alex Malafeev Sensor Tower Co-Founders

Sensor Tower's platform is an enterprise-level offering. Interested in learning more?

Oliver Yeh

Written by: Oliver Yeh, Founder at Sensor Tower

Date: April 2020