We’ve acquired Video Game Insights (VGI)!


Advanced Usage Insights

Obtain actionable mobile user data derived from Sensor Tower’s trusted panel of millions of mobile users.

Trusted by leaders in mobile

Kraken Logo
Duolingo Logo
Bumble Logo
Discover Logo
Money Gram Logo
Create engagement benchmarks for the world’s biggest apps Img

Set engagement benchmarks for the world’s top apps

Explore user behavior trends across mobile categories—from social networks to SVOD and gig apps. Compare time spent, session counts, and performance over time to see real-world engagement for major players.

Benchmark Icon

Set benchmarks for real-world app performance

Estimate the success of top apps with proprietary panel data

Retention Icon

Get a clear, unfiltered picture of user retention

Articulate actual week-to-week retention, session count and time spent

Access the Apps Icon

Assess the apps that compete for the same audience

Segment user engagement by important category or app-level behaviors

Develop custom cohorts and analyze segmented retention Img

Build custom cohorts and analyze retention trends

Define engagement benchmarks and churn behaviors for specific user segments using real-life data. Measure app performance against broader categories, identify user groups inclined to certain apps, and uncover week-over-week and month-over-month retention insights for major apps.

Articulate day-to-day mobile behaviors Img

Uncover daily and hourly mobile behaviors

Gain deep insights into user behavior with our proprietary panel. Analyze how users engage with apps hourly, compare usage across similar app categories, and explore differences between regional and global audiences.

Analyst, NYC-based Hedge Fund ($2bn AUM)

“Sensor Tower offers a critical lever for us to make important investment decisions on behalf of our clients, and ensure we’re staying on top of key market-moving trends in mobile.”

Sensor Tower Blog