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Store Intelligence · Randy Nelson · March 2019

Sony's Fate/Grand Order Hits $3 Billion in Global Player Spending

Fate/Grand Order gross revenue exceeds $3 billion worldwide since launch, according to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence estimates.

Fate Grand Order Revenue $3 Billion

Sony is known for chart-topping console blockbusters, but its greatest financial success in gaming has come on mobile. The title responsible is Fate/Grand Order from developer Delightworks and Sony's Aniplex arm. According to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence data, the game has grossed an estimated $3 billion across the App Store and Google Play worldwide since launching in August 2015.

To put Fate/Grand Order's success into perspective, that figure is the equivalent of a PlayStation 4 title selling 50 million copies at $60. It's also five times what the most successful PS4 game to date, Horizon: Zero Dawn, would have grossed on its 10 million copies at full retail price.

As for where this spending is ocurring, it's unsurprising that 82 percent has come from players in Japan, which translates into $2.46 billion of the total. Another $360 million, or 12 percent, has come from iOS users in China. The United States actually ranks third—albeit a distant one—for spending in the game so far, at 3 percent of the gross amount, or about $90 million. This is still a significant amount of revenue for a market where the title's source material is considerably less well-known than in Asian territories.

Last month, Fate/Grand Order was the No. 2 ranked mobile game for global revenue at $84.3 million, while it placed No. 59 in the U.S.

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Randy Nelson

Written by: Randy Nelson, Head of Mobile Insights

Date: March 2019