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App Intelligence · Randy Nelson · April 2016

Infographic: Apple App Store Optimization's Most Important Ranking Factors for 2016

This handy infographic ranks the most important ASO factors for 2016 from highest to lowest impact.

Apple App Store Optimization's Most Important Ranking Factors Hero Image

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear after "What's App Store Optimization?" is "Which ASO factors are most important to my app's ranking?" In this post, we've boiled the answer down into an infographic that visually prioritizes the most important elements of ASO. With it, you can quickly see where Apple's App Store ranking algorithm places the most emphasis—and where you should, as well.

This infographic is based on recently conducted analysis by Sensor Tower's Data Science team. It includes insights you can put to immediate use in conjunction with our ASO-focused App Intelligence platform.

Apple App Store Optimization's Most Important Ranking Factors Infographic

Click the infographic to view a larger version.

Of course, while some of these factors are directly within your control—such as app name, keywords, and price—others, including download velocity and average rating, are the result of a quality product employing best ASO practices.

Sensor Tower's full platform of app marketing intelligence products, which include Store Intelligence and Ad Intelligence, can help you better understand the strategies being utilized by your competitors on the App Store and the results they've achieved.

Sensor Tower's App Intelligence platform is an Enterprise level offering. Interested in learning more? Request a live demo with our team!

Sensor Tower's platform is an enterprise-level offering. Interested in learning more?

Randy Nelson

Written by: Randy Nelson, Head of Mobile Insights

Date: April 2016